Difference between Nutrient Film Technique - NFT & Deep Flow Technique - DFT

 Nutrient Film Technique - NFT


  1. The plants grown using the NFT system gives good yields.
  2. The system is efficient and requires less labour.
  3. As the water that is flowing in the tube is recirculated again and again, a lot of water is saved as compared to the soil-based method.
  4. Using this method, plants can be grown even on barren lands.


  1. High Initial Investment.
  2. 24-hour power supply to run pumps and other instruments so that there can be maintained a continuous flow of nutrient solution in the tube and a suitable condition for the growth of plants can be sustained.
  3. Require expertise.
  4. The temperature of the surrounding environment, pH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of water, Nutrient Content of Water needs to be monitored regularly.
  5. The tubes must be kept clean, care must be taken that algae should not grow in the tube. Algae interrupt the continuous flow of water in the tube and even decrease the nutritional content of the flowing water by consuming it.

Deep Flow Technique - DFT


  1. More efficient than NFT as the water level in DFT is higher.
  2. The vertical space can also be utilized.
  3. The water from higher tubes flows automatically to the tubes which are placed under them. 
  4. Gives greater yields than the regular soil-based method.
  5. As the water is recirculated to the, a lot of water can be saved using this method.
  6. Less labour.


  1. High Initial Investment.
  2. The temperature of the surrounding environment, pH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of water, Nutrient Content of Water needs to be monitored regularly.
  3. Requires Expertise.
  4. 24-Hour power supply to run the pumps and other instruments.
  5. The tubes must be kept clean, care must be taken that algae should not grow in the tube. Algae interrupt the continuous flow of water in the tube and even decrease the nutritional content of the flowing water by consuming it.

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